

API Mania s.r.o.
Mlynská 103
974 09
Banská Bystrica

0905 613 022
0903 210 075

E-mail: petrovic.vcelyamed@gmail.com



Honey – Characteristics

Honey is a product created by bees that proces plants juices and nectars. This juice and nectar are enriched by bees with its own enzymes. It is stored in honeycomb and from where the bees evaporate the excess of water.
Honey is composed mainly of two simple sugars, glucose / 35% / and fructose/40% /, water
18-20%, pollen, minerals, trace elements, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C.
When glucose is predominant in honey, it will crystallise more easy, but it retains all the nutritional and medicinal properties. When heated slowly till 40 ° C the honey dissolves again without changing its properties.

Honey – Classification

Honey is divided into two basic types: - nectar and honeydew. They differ mainly in the way bees gather and produce these two types. Honey bees collect nectar from the flowers of plants that bloom from early spring to autumn. Depending on from which flowers the bees

collect the nectar we give the honey its name, for example rapeseedhoney, acaciahoney, sunflowerhoney or flowerhoney when origin is a mix of flowers like fruit trees, raspberry, blackberry, lime,  etc.
Slightly different but equally valuable is the honeydew honey, which bees collect plant juice from young shoots of conifers and deciduous trees. This juice is actually a secondary raw material produced by aphids. The aphids only use the protein from these juices and excrete the for them  unnecessary sugars and other substances. In comparison with nectar from flowers  it contains more minerals and trace elements, but less pollen. Honeydew honey is mostly called foresthoney. It is much darker from colour than honey from flowers.
When a small source of nectar in nature, bees mixed more species the nectar in beecombs.

Honey - healing power

The importance of honey for human health was already known in antiquity. Says it all in one word from Greek temples, "Do not be angry, Eat milk with honey, grown theater, gymnastics, and you live to old age."
In our age  the following characteristicsare known :
- Anti-inflammatory, suppresses the growth of bacteries, improves and accelerates wound healing
- Supports the digestive processes, improves digestion, strengthens the heart
- Simple sugars /glucose, fructose/ contained in honey are quickly absorbed into the blood, so they are a source of immediate energy
- Strengthen the central nervous system and psyche, improves and deepens sleep
- Cleans and softens the skin, is a registered cosmetics – mainly acacia honey
- Can be used in the treatment of diseases of internal organs, eg. liver, stomach ulcers, also diseases of upper respiratory tract, in consultation with the doctor. Again, as with other drugs and food, "everything in moderation".
Normal consumption for an adult is about 2-4 teaspoons a day, children from 1 to 3, depending on age.

Honey – Conclusion

There is a lot to tell about honey. But you can find more information in the literature on various Internet sites, but this is not the goal of this site. My intention is to reach people. Especially people who previously did not know why honey should be added to the menu. My efforts as a producer of honey is to offer people honey from nature. You should know that honey from the temperate climate zone of Central Europa. Is important for the composition of pollen in the honey. The risk of allergies is great for sensitive people. Composition of plants and pollen in our European climate zone is the same, or similar. The honey directly from the beekeepers , without intermediaries, without  blended honeys from different countries.


Propolis – Features

Propolis has been known since ancient times as a unique product of bees. Bees create propolis treatment plant resins, waxes, their own agents and use it as a sealant to seal their hives, also for the disinfection and disposal of foreign objects and intruder. During one year one bee family produces only a few dozen grams of propolis.

Propolis - Healing power

Its effects are especially antibacterial and is used for treating diseases caused by bacteria:
- Inhibiting the growth of bacteria and some strains are directly killed
- Sensitivity and relieves pain
- Stops and destroys mold growth
- Promotes healing of wounds

It is currently used in the prevention of influenza illness in the form of drops and sprays. The inflammation of the mouth in the form of ointments. For skin diseases and minor injuries, there are soaps that contain propolis.